Thursday, 19 December 2013

How colour effects memory

I plan to design my 'present' mask in multiple bright colours, colours specifically relating to the city of culture logo. I also plan to add the colour blue, to relate to the river Foyle below the Peace Bridge. 

I have researched how colour affects ones memory and I concluded that it is quite important. In the paper 'The Influence of Colour on Memory Performance: A Review' is states that

"There appears to be a basis for associating colour and its significant effect on memory abilities. In other words, colour has the potential to increase chances of environmental stimuli to be encoded, stored, and retrieved successfully."
UK City of Culture is basically a brand, a brand that many people in Derry now recognize. Colour recognition is very important to brand identity.

"the top fast-food restaurants in the world to be associated and branded with vivid colour. For example, McDonalds used yellow and red colour in the logo, while Kentucky Fried Chicken is remembered with red and white colour combinations. Colour therefore played a very important role in influencing consumers psychologically, which is characterized by emotional attachment, attention, memory, and attitude that later increase the likelihood of buying behaviour."

In conclusion colour has a great affect on memory and by incorporating the colour of the City of Culture Logo the viewer will associate my 'present' mask with culture and peace, and all the positive memories those bring.


-Adawiah Dzulkifli M, Faiz Mustafar M 2013 'The Influence of Colour on Memory Performance: A Review' 

- Elvidge S 2012 'The Effect of Colour on Memory'

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